This evergreen tree grows on the side of the highway between the east bound lanes and the south outer road. Someone had decorated it for the holidays with some sparkly tinsel garland and a big red bow. Not something you would expect to find on a busy interstate highway. I took this photos from the outer road looking across the divided lanes of the highway. I would love to know who went to all this effort when there is not a single house in the area of the roadway.
This is my Christmas Tree for this year. I posted this earlier this month but wanted to share it with all those who follow the memes devoted to the color red. The only color on my tree comes from lots of red birds.

I am linking this post to Ruby Tuesday and Rednesday.
Mary at "Work of the Poet" hosts Ruby Tuesday. Rednesday is a Wednesday meme hosted by Sue at "It's a Very Cherry World." Both memes are dedicated to the color red. To join the fun or just check out what Red others are excited to share visit Mary and her friends at Ruby Tuesdayand Sue and her friends from Rednesday