Two things that are synonymous with my family are kids and day care. I'm sure many families would think the same thing. It is a little different in my family. First, my Mother raised thirteen children then; when most mothers would be thankful for having an empty nest, she started a day care center for thirty children not her own. When Mom was well past normal retirement age she finally sold her day care to my sister who changed the name, expanded it and then opened several more. Many of our family members worked, at one time or another, for either my mother or sister.
My fascination with day care began long before my mother got into the business. Kindercare originated in Montgomery Alabama and opened their first center a few blocks from the home of my Aunt Sister. When Kindercare went public she decided to invest a small amount in the local sensation. That small amount grew into a large amount as her stocks split, and split and then split again. My now ninety -two year old aunt is still playing the market and living off the seed money that came from those day care centers.
I am always amazed at the originality that some folks put into naming and decorating their business to make sure it attracts attention. My mother named her business "Wee Care" and my sister's is "Bow's and Bullfrogs." Just down the street is an ordinary looking old house that has been the home to "Denim and Daisies" for a while now. It recently got a new paint job that makes it unmistakable as a place where children hang out.
What is more associated with children that primary colors and crayons.
I love the new shutters that surround the building. Each one is a different color.
The multi-colored pickets certainly caused me to take note.
I am linking this post to the meme Color Carnival.

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