Welcome everyone to this week's edition of Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. Beverly gave us the option, this week, of posting either something in Easter yellow or doing our regular pink. I was going to go with my regular pink, than suddenly there it was, the perfect Easter yellow.
During my rounds of the local resale shops, this week, I spotted this yellow rabbit cookie jar and fell in love with it. I actually made several trips to the shop and talked myself out of buying it each time. The last trip I had my thirteen year old grandson with me and he disliked the Bunny. Something about the eyes turned him off. Sinister is the word I believe he used to describe it.
But, I loved the that it had been hand made by someone in a ceramics class. In fact, there is a woman's name in gold script on the front. It reads Gloria Williams, 12-04-50. Can you believe this gem is almost sixty years old. Plus, I found it very sad that there was no one left from this ladies family that wanted to keep such a wonderful heirloom in the family.
Now how can you have pink Saturday without something pink. So, here is a collage of photos I took this week of some of the beautiful pink trees in town. What better way to honor Easter and spring.

Do you remember this lovely coach?

I included this photo in a PS post about a month ago that featured some of my many thrift store finds. So many of you expressed an interest in this little gem and stated that you would have purchased it had you been there. Someone even referred to it as a "Cinderella Coach."
Well, I happen to revisit that shop this week and not only was the coach still there, it had been moved into the bargain room. So I purchased it and will be giving it to one lucky commenter this week. You will not have to sign up to follow my blog, or jump through any of those other hoops that I have seen on other blog sites doing a giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment here this week and let me know that you would like to give this jewel a new home. I will place all the names in the proverbial hat and draw a winner next Friday and post it in my PS post next week. Congratulations to each of you.
I wish you all a happy Easter.
To join in the fun or just visit the pink post of others visit Beverly and her friends at
Pink Saturday.