Saturday, March 26, 2011

Not again

The above photos could easily be from the group I posted last week, or the week before or even last month. But, they were taken out my front window just a few minutes ago. Yes, it is March 26th and it has been snowing for several hours with a prediction of three to five inches by nightfall.

Will this winter never end? Will my blooming daffodils survive all this snow and ice?

I hope the weather in your part of the country is much sunnier. As for me I going to spend the day buried in my electric blanket floating between a good book and crying over some shappy old movie.


It is now four thirty in the afternoon and the prediction of three to five inches of snow has been exceded. The following shots (taken a few minutes ago) show the accumulation of snow on my patio table and a rule to verify the amount at six inches with no sign of any letup. All my beautiful blooming spring bulbs are now hidden under the drifts the old north wind is depositing around the yard.

There are only two good things to say about today's weather, one is the belief that lots of snow produces a winning Cardinal baseball season. The other is the luck of having the first nine hours of the English mini series "The Jewell in the Crown" to watch instead of braving the blizzard.


  1. Stay warm and enjoy your read. After seeing this, I won't complain about the downpour we have had all day when I planned to work in my yard.

  2. Oh man! That is amazing! Will it never end! This makes me so happy that I live in the land of no real weather! Hand in there, it will warm up soon (or someday)!

  3. It has to be really hard to take after the false promise of spring earlier. I hope your daffys are OK (in Oregon ours often got knocked down by a rain just as they bloomed).

    I do like your choice of entertainment as you wait out the storm.

  4. OhNO!....Where is spring? We're back in North Carolina now and they have had beautiful weather until us snowbirds came back. Rain and 39 degrees. I think they might send us back to safe and warm.

  5. I am so glad we did not get this!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that we have seen the last of that powdery substance for this season.


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