It's Friday once again and time to report on all those small things and fragmented bits of our life that have happened in the last week.
A few days ago I stopped at the local Sonic just after the nearby junior high let out and the patio was full of school kids. I noticed this hat and at first misread it to say "I heart Hatters!". Thinking of my Hat Parade (on the sidebar) I grabbed my camera and headed for the kid wearing it. When I got closer I realized what it actually said and was dumbfounded. Why would anyone love a person who hates? After a conversation with the young man and his mother, I learned this expression is a fad going around the school. It is actually like saying the wearer loves it when they see others being jealous of the things they have. It means you're successful in life if you have Haters. In other words, if people hate you, you're pretty awesome. Make sense? Not to me!

This afternoon I was sitting in line at a local drive-thru restaurant (yeah, we've had a lot of lunches out lately) when I noticed a group of kids skateboarding on the parking lot across from me. I managed to get this shot while I waited for my order. Yes, the lot has "No Skateboarding" signs posted.