Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Fragments #208

Welcome to another edition of Friday Fragments.  First, I want to thank all those who have stopped by or e-mailed with good wishes on my recent eye surgery.  You can get a full report by clicking here. 

I am holding the hose making this spray
We had record breaking temps again this week with a high of 107 degrees.  I have been watering two hours a day for months  and I am still loosing a few plants due to the heat.  Our governor has declared Missouri a disaster area and our local water department just announced we need to conserve water usage during the day.  We are on a well system and they aren't able to refill fast enough during peak hours due to increased need for water caused by the heat and drought.

I'm starting to get concerned about young people today.  Mostly because of the problems I see being caused by the lack of proper parenting.  Twice in the last week I have encountered a mobile television truck with a news team from one of the St. Louis stations in my small town.  This is a absolute first for me and I have lived here for over ten years.  Both situations that brought out these news teams had to do with adult carelessness and the terrible results of that carelessness.

photo taken from fox news
of the pool where the girl drown
News report by clicking here
Last Sunday morning two year old twins managed to escape from their home through an  unlocked door while their caregiver (the mother's boyfriend) napped on the sofa.  The children wandered down the street into a neighbor's yard where one of the twins drowned in an eighteen inch inflatable swimming pool that was left filled and uncovered in a unfenced yard.   Due to the carelessness of one set of adults and the neglect of another, a child died.

Photo from Stl
Crash site and victim
click here for news report  
Last night a thirteen year old girl and her eleven year old brother stole the family pick-up truck.  The girl drove the truck about ten miles into town.  She was spotted by a sheriff's deputy who suspected the driver was either overtired or drunk because the truck kept weaving and crossing the white lines.  The officer put on his lights and siren.  Instead of stopping, the truck sped up with the officer in pursuit.  The truck quickly reached the busiest four way intersection in town and hit a car stopped at the red light.  The driver of that car died this morning. She was a seventeen year old honor student on her way home from work.  She was also the mother of a one year old son.  Both children in the truck were injured.  Did I mention that this accident happened at midnight.  As yet no information has been released about why these children went on this joyride or where their parents were when they decided to leave home after eleven o'clock at night.  Regardless, I have to charge those parents with neglect for no other reason than their not securing the keys to the truck so the children could not get them.  

~Maxine~ You gotta love her.
But, this year I can't fault the kids
for staying indoors. 
 One of my southern cousins sent me this cartoon.
I wish I would have had it when I wrote this post about
 my problems with fresh brewed tea.
Click here for Hells Bells.  

Every neighborhood has one.

Linking to Friday Fragments 


  1. HA to that last photo of the house. We had one in our LAST neighborhood that I called "Crazy House"

  2. So sad when the young ones die like that - unfortunately, it is hard to control kids these days with the media telling them that they have "rights" to everything! We have raised a generation of disrespectful, disobedient kids, and I don't see it getting any better anytime soon! We were shopping the other day and I had to leave 2 different sections and go back later because of children out of control. Lazy parenting at best, neglect at worst!

  3. We have our rights confused with privileges. We are "older" parents than most and most would say we were too strict on our son. You know where I'm going with this so I'll just stop with that speech.

  4. I love the last made me laugh;)

  5. The last picture was great. Terrible news about all of those kids.

  6. First of all, I wasn't aware that you had recently had eye surgery, and I am so sorry I missed that info! As someone who just went through eye surgery herself, I feel we need to bolster one another when we can!

    Secondly, this was a very disturbing post. I feel so horrible for the families who lost their children (big and small) in both of these awful tragedies! And I am with you, why are parents not watching their children anymore!!!!?

    And then you made me laugh out loud with the Dixie Cup cartoon. Since someone sent it to you, I am assuming it's OK to copy it and pass it on myself. It's too cute not to share!

    I will try not to get so far behind with you again! :-) Hope you are healing well from your surgery! God bless you and the Old Salt. Hope the rest of this summer is filled with only good things!


Thank you for stopping by my site. Without your visits there would be no incentive to continue posting. So, having you here and reading your comments is the highlight of my day.

I regret that time does not always allow me to return visits to everyone who stops by, but, I will certainly do my best to get to everyone. I will definitely answer any questions you leave me.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.